Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Y Bother Nok?

I've just realised this is the most depressing, not to mention boring blog I've ever read. Heck, even the tomyam bloggers are more entertaining. Wot happened to me?


kekwat said...

You're never boring la nok. I am so glad I have blogs (yours and Leen's) that I can come and read these days. Serloak cokeng! XD

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

Slowly-slowly you'll get your groove back.

Deeranged said...

@kekwat Ni tengah insaf kejab sebab sakit kot. Hiks

@an0nymous-ign0ranus Here's hoping.

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

come on over to wordpress :D

it's kind of brighter in there.

Deeranged said...

How ah? Kena create new gmail or can just use this one? @an0nymous-ign0ranus

an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

can use the same gmail address, no hal punya.